what if?

what if.png

this year, what if you…

gave yourself permission.

felt brave.

believed in yourself.

practised your art.

finally started.

found your purpose.

played bigger.

spoke up.

said yes.

said no.

listened to your intuition.

made the time.

let go.

felt guided.

did the thing.

cared less about what others think.


stopped hiding.

made the leap.

put yourself first.

followed your heart.

had more fun.

backed yourself.

listened to the call.

filled up your bucket.

had faith.

expanded your comfort zone.


what if?

one of these things made your heart beat faster. or gave you goosebumps. or felt a little bit scary. or made you pause for a second. which is it?

which is your thing?

take it and ask… what if?

and ask... then what? and what else? and why not?


if not this, then what?

if not now, then when?

if not you, then who?


who are you NOT to?

what if instead of saying…

one day.


i wish.

instead we said…

i choose.

i choose me.

i choose this.

i choose now.

what if?

and where do i start?

and what step can i take?

#loveryourselfup is a good place to start. this 21 day experience starts 1 february.

karen brandyComment