meet your struggle - a personalised guided exercise
what has you feeling stuck?
a lot of self-help strategies, mindset work, or healing modalities we come across can make it seem like we’ve got to fix or get over or solve or eradicate what ever that thing is that’s been getting in the way of us doing what we say we want. but what if there is another way? the self-leadership way. a way where you turn towards your struggle, strengthen your sense of SELF, and build your capacity to guide your self through whatever comes your way.
i would love to take you through a guided exercise - specific to your exact personal struggle - to meet your struggle. with this exercise you will turn inwards to explore what ever is feeling stuck for you right now, in this moment in time, as well as begin to strengthen your unique inner leader or wise guide.
the meet your struggle session is a 30 minute audio recording created just for you and the stuckness that you have shared with me. you will also receive a PDF worksheet to help you explore your struggle as well as a 3 card tarot reading which is a message from your struggle, a message from your inner leader, and a message about your next right step.
when you meet your struggle you will begin to embrace a new way to ‘self help’ - a way to become a self leader and a wise companion to your struggle.
to book in for your 30 minute, customised, guided journey to meet your struggle, simply click the buy now button below and fill out the form with a few points about your specific kind of stuckness. you will receive your audio recording within 3 days of payment.
i would be honoured to walk along side you as you meet your struggle and lead your self through to more of what you want for your self.
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a personalised 30 minute audio recording to help you explore your exact kind of stuck
what folks say about meeting their struggle:
“this exercise provoked a question in me, a new way of looking at this struggle i have been working on for a long time. i always thought it about it one way but i see now there are other things to consider. i have an idea of what to focus on next to get unstuck and i what i want to explore deeper.”
“this was such a practical way to explore and “meet” my struggle! you make self-help doable, instead of just a nice concept that is hard to apply. i feel like i am actually able to do something for my self. thank you for an opportunity to reflect and heal in a different way than what i have tried before.”
“i have listened to my recording 5 times! thank you for your wise words. you’ve given me a lot to think about.”