my word for 2018


i always choose one word for my new year... something to act as an anchor for my intentions, my dreams, my goals, and my desires for the year. 

this year my word is magnetic

magnetic reminds me of how i want to feel. who i want to be. what i want to do. what i want to have. where i want to go. and why.

my mantras for the year are: 

my power is turned on. 

arms wide open, i am ready, i am safe.

make the magnetic choice. 

the compass is the symbol i am choosing to represent my word - i have a compass tattoo on my arm so it is a perfect daily reminder - and it seems like a perfect fit given the compass is a magnet. it reminds me that my own energy works like a magnet... where is it pointing right now? what is it attracting? 

the compass also reminds me that...

i am magnetic when i am present and grounded like the earth to the north

i am magnetic when i am ignited and transforming like the fire to the south

i am magnetic when i am allowing and flowing like the water to the west

i am magnetic when i am expanding and rising like the air to the east.

finally the compass reminds me to come back to my light, to let my light be my guide. i am magnetic when i am tuned into my inner light... connected and noticing and co-creating.

and so it is.

you might be thinking... oh that's nice. karen has it all figured out. but the truth is i don't. even as i read this back to myself i can see that i have some big work to do this year... on myself, in my life, in my work... in order to truly do and be and have and feel the things i want.  

even in the first exciting weeks of the year i have already been one step forward, two steps back. i have self-sabotaged. i have retreated, out of fear and doubt. i've had cases of the 'why bothers' and the yah buts' and 'maybe nots'

so while my intentions look all shiny and nice as i post them on this blog for all to see... behind the scenes, i've got work to do! and that is exactly why i need a word, an anchor. 

something to hang on to, something to come back to, when we get off track, when we run and hide, when we are ready to rise again.  again. again.

have your word. have your dreams. have your intentions. 

but come back to them. 


and as quickly as you can. 

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