choose you.

claim your self. claim your worth.

you deserve your best life!

if you have ever struggled with your self-worth, this book is for you.

if you want to help those around you know their inherent worth, this book is for you.

and even if you already feel a strong sense of worth, this book is still for you, because it is about honouring you… it’s about:

  • self knowledge

  • self expression

  • self leadership

  • BEing you & celebrating you

  • prioritising yourself

  • healing yourself

  • knowing the value of what you offer

  • letting go of the roles you’ve had to play

  • trusting the true voice of your self

and so much more!

i wrote this little book for me, as a reminder of everything i have learned in my exploration of enoughness, so that i can keep doing the work of knowing and claiming my self.

i share this book with the world in the hopes that it also helps you… perhaps to honour yourself, perhaps to heal, perhaps to shine your light even brighter.
