permission to do the new year, your way


it’s a big day.

it’s the first day of the first month of a new year… a ‘one’ year (2+0+1+7=1+0=1)… a new powerful beginning.

it feels pretty huge… like there is a lot of pressure to get it right. to do the right things. to have clear intentions. to stay in high vibes. to be focused on your goals. to get planning. to take action. to start as we mean to go on!

to be absolutely clear of the old and absolutely ready to ignite the new.

and i am a big fan of that, for sure. i’ve been working on a month of completion through december and am so excited to focus on ignition in january.

but at the same time i am going to cut myself a break.

i do not have to have everything all planned out.

i don’t have to have it all figured out either.

and i don’t have to have a perfect day today. or any other day of this month.

for me, january is a time to practice as a human BEing (rather than a human DOing).

in fact, my little rule in my life and biz has always been that febuary 1st is the new january 1st.

it works well living here in australia because january is our summer holidays, so the reality is that there is not going to be a lot of DOing this month anyhow, not until the kids go back to school on January 30th.

but the upside to this rule is that it takes the pressure off of having everything figured out and planned out and fired up and ready to rock.

instead, i can just be.

you can do it too – YOU pick the date you want for your new year to really begin. and from today until then, give yourself some space to just BE.

to remember what it feels like to BE you

to feel ignited and lit up from within

to be rested and inspired and happy

to explore and reflect and dream BIG 

to put yourself first

...the plans and goals and resolutions and intentions can all come from that.

try this...

here is a little exercise that i did yesterday on the final day of the year…

reflect on your road so far… reflect on the past year or 9 years (for 2016 is the end of a 9 year cycle) or reflect on whatever time period feels natural to you.

how would you describe that period? what were the big themes? what is the period that you are ending now?

and now, what is the period you are ready to begin?

what do you want this next period to be about? what do you want the new themes to be?

and how would you like to FEEL?

that’s probably the most powerful question you can ask yourself… when you think about the year ahead, how do you want to feel?

do something today that makes you feel like that.

say out loud: thank you universe, more like this please!

and when...

and when you do find yourself in the old patterns, stories, and beliefs that you thought you had cleared away… be compassionate with yourself! 

we don't have to be perfect. we don't have to have it all figured out. we don't have to be all ignited and shining bright all the time. it's ok to face the darkness... over and over again if we have to!

say “bingo! caught you sneaking in there. but here’s the thing, i don’t need you anymore.”

and then try to do something to switch the station. to feel the way you want to feel instead.

i declare...

so, i hereby declare january to be a month of ignition – but not in a go go go, do do do, plan plan plan, kind of way…

it’s more about feeling my way through, of focusing on me and what lights me up and what i want for myself, of giving myself a lot of self love and self compassion and self exploration, thinking about what it will mean to BE the person i want to be.

what will your january look like? when you think about igniting your year, what will help you to do just that? pop over to the #LHR community and share, i would love to hear from you!

the song i have been playing LOUD today is "this is the new year"... it get's me feeling ignited for this new year (and has inspired the image above.) what song is inspiring your new year?

karen brandy1 Comment