get unstuck from pitfalls

get unstuck : episode 5

get unstuck from the pitfalls of forward progress

in this episode of the get unstuck series we explore 3 of the pitfalls that can get in the way of your forward progess. you know the feeling: you are marching along, doing more of what you long to do, feeling good about your progress toward more of what you say you want… then BAM! something happens to get in your way. or maybe it’s not even a BAM, maybe it quietly creeps up on you and you find yourself sliding backwards to where you felt stuck. let’s explore 3 of these pitfalls: self-sabotage, sticky steps, and seems selfish… i will share some of the warning signs that these pitfalls might be showing up in your path as well as some helpful strategies for making your way out of the pit and carrying on with your dreams and desires. pitfalls happen! that’s why we call this journey an adventure! the key is not letting them stop you from doing what you say you want for yourself… instead, we keep marching on.

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