get unstuck with forward progress
get unstuck : episode 4
get unstuck with forward progress
in this episode of the get unstuck series we explore 3 strategies that can help with making forward progress toward more of what you say you want for yourself. when you are feeling stuck it can be so hard to overcome the inertia… the black hole of darkness that sucks away the very stuff that you know would help you feel ignited again. i share a strategy from the book RISE which i call baby steps… it’s all about adding tiny bits of kindling to the fire so that you can gently start fanning the flames of your fire. i also ask two questions that i think can be really helpful in exploring the types of activities that light us up (expecially if we find ourselves in a place where we can’t do the things that we love): what’s in your pie? and what type of person do you want to be? i hope these 3 strategies will help you move forward toward the life you dream of.