a year worth celebrating

hi you

as we near the end of this year

i can hear you thinking...

you're sorry

it's not enough

you haven't done what you said you wanted to do

you didn’t achieve all of your goals

you haven't come as far asyou would have liked

it's disappointing

you've let us down

but i - your wise soul self - can't possibly be disappointed or let down

i am only compassion

i am pure love

i have only love for you...for us... for everything we HAVE done this year

and, this bit is so important, a list of everything you did do is only one little part of the picture.

you'd better also make a list of...

every fun thing you experienced 

every challenge you faced

every time you honoured, prioritised, reclaimed your self

every moment of peace or joy or healing or beauty you found

those are all worth celebrating 

the end of one year and the start of a new is always rife with talk of goals. but our only goal is to BE. 

to be who we are... to be where we are. 

some days that looks like being unstoppable in the pursuit of our dreams. some days that looks like rest and restoration. other days it looks like simply hanging on and hanging in there. 

there is no perfect or best. 

there is no timeline. 

there are no shoulds. 

there is only one goal... 

today i was me. today i was here.

i think that officially makes this one a very good year! 

i was me. i was here.

for every step you took

for every way you grew

for every challenge you faced

for every moment you allowed

for every lesson learned

for every thing you received and shared

for every bit of magic you noticed...

thank you. 

i am so very grateful for the you that took us through every day of this year.

it may not have been a perfect year

but it was your year

because you were true to you



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