you can help people AND earn money.

it’s the end of a financial year here in australia – and half way through this year no matter when your financial year is! it’s a good time to reflect on where you’ve come from, where you are at right now, and where you are going next.

last year i had my biggest month ever. which of course made for my biggest year ever in biz. i ended the financial year on a huge high!

i hired a superhero – errrr i mean bookkeeper – because i no longer felt that i could manage my biz finances on my own (a good problem to have right?) and i made plans to grow even bigger and better for the next financial year.

i remember at the time feeling like i was on the edge of something big. a tipping point of sorts. 

i had this feeling that i needed to be strategic. i needed to be savvy. i needed to do the *right* things. i needed to leverage the opportunities coming my way. i needed to hustle. 

and by the end of the year it felt like everything started to unravel.

suddenly, i stressed about every aspect of my business. 

this was a new feeling to me after 5 years of being in biz in some form or another! 

i used to just do everything from my heart. i would just be me. i would just aim to help others.

i didn’t stress about perfection. or being strategic. 

i believed in what i did, so i did it.

suddenly, i stressed about prices. about sales pages. about launches. about product creation. about planning.

it was though that feeling like i was now a “success” kicked my “A+ student” mentality into overdrive!

there were expectations. there was pressure. i needed results. i needed to perform.

and what if i fucked it all up?


talk about fear!

i spent the beginning of this year finding my way back to me. 

(you may remember my new year’s resolutions to just be me!) and then i declared april the new january! i hit reset!

  • i got out of my head and into my heart: i remembered why i was doing this… to help women in biz share their purpose with the world.
  • i got back to my spark: teaching, creating, and helping people.
  • i embraced me again. i am a connector. a creator. a nurturer. an alchemist.

(i am not a hustler or a strategist or a leverager. that’s just never going to come naturally to me. and i don’t have to be those things to be successful. i can still be me. and i can hire people to be strategic for me! yay!)

i am choosing to trust that if i just be me, if i keep my spark ignited, if i lead with my heart… the money will follow.

the universe showed me that once already – maybe i should believe it!

i can help people AND earn money. i can be me AND be successful.

i can shine just as i am.

and so can you.

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