who are you?

10 years ago i left my career as a teacher, moved to the other side of the world, and “accidentally” started a photography & design business one day when someone asked me “how much do you charge?”

my biz was a very part time biz. learning about biz became my full time passion.

5 years ago i started a blog to share what i was learning. i didn’t have a plan for that blog, i wasn’t convinced that anyone else besides my mom would ever read it, but i just felt this strong urge to talk about the stuff i was learning about biz.

about two months after i started blogging i was having a chat with my best friend’s dad. he asked about the blog and what it was all about. i found myself stumbling over my words, trying to explain that i thought maybe by sharing what i was learning about biz it might help someone else who was also trying to start a biz from home, all on their own.

he interrupted my rambling answer, looked me straight in the eye and said.

“of course you are doing that. you are a teacher.”

that moment still gives me goosebumps to think about. that moment made me realize that i didn’t give up a thing when i left my teaching career, and that i could in fact keep teaching, just in new ways.

that moment helped me remember who i was.

and it gave me the courage to keep going.

two years later his comments came back to mind after i was inspired by the lighthouse to ignite my spark and build a business that was purpose driven and passion based. i was struggling with where to go next in my biz journey and i remembered…

i am a teacher.

that helped me to uncover the next steps of my path, and explore new avenues in my biz.

and it gave me a title, a purpose, and a focus.

a year ago i reread a book that i had first read 20 years earlier when i was 19 and trying to figure out the meaning of life. “the alchemist” called to me, as it sat on my shelf, and i finally picked it up again. it reminded me that i am on a journey to fulfill my purpose.

after that, three separate people at separate times described me as an alchemist, because of the way i help people find the magic in what they do, the way i help them put the pieces of their puzzle together, the way that i can create a spark for someone. it was another powerful moment…

to know that i am an alchemist.

that helped me to see what i do as even more powerful than teaching. it’s transformational.

and it gave me something to live up to, something to honour. a purpose bigger than i could have dreamed for myself.

recently i was told that i am a healer.

this is something i never even imagined about myself. i will have to explore that some more!

i’ve also discovered that i am intuitive.

well we all are, of course, we all have it in us. i’ve just awakened my intuition. it’s a revelation, and so much fun.

i am bold.

i am sensitive.

i am feminine.

i am smart.

i am a leader.

i am a rule-breaker.

i am loving.

i am strong.

i am fearless.

some of these things i feel i am already. some of them i am working on building up some more. some have evolved over time.

it's a journey. 

but this i know for sure…

what you follow the words “i am” with are the most important things you can say.

to yourself.

out loud to others.

and to the universe.

you can be more than one thing! you can be lots of things. you can be lots of things all at once, all in the same day, even if they are contradictory. you can be someone who is trying to be more of anything you want. and you can even let go of things you don’t want to be anymore.

picture your light like a chandelier with lots of tiny crystal droplets. (and the best part is that you get to choose which crystals you hang!)

each one sends out a beam of light, a powerful message, starting with the words "i am…"

who are you?

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ps if you would like to learn some strategies to explore your purpose, your why, your mission and more, please join us tomorrow for the free live class: on.purpose.  (yes it will be recorded, but be sure to sign up so that the link to the recording will be emailed to you!)