my word for 2016

for the past few years i have been declaring february 1st as the *new* new year. it just makes more sense to me - it gives me some breathing, dreaming, and planning space through the month of january. i love it.

and for the past few years i have been starting each year by choosing 3 words to act as a guiding light for my year. i also really love this practice - choosing a word really helps me to have focus and intention.

this year i had 3 words nearly ready to share and declare... and then this morning as i was walking i had an ah-ha moment - i realized that they all boiled down to one thing... one word...


this is the core of what i want to do this year... shift my energy.

clear and release and reframe and open up and allow and unstuck.

do the inner work and outer work that i need to do so that i can truly own my light in the world.

the thing i love most about this word is that not only is this what i want for myself, it is also represents my mission to help others do this very same thing. so awesome!

personally, my intention is to create shifts in 3 ways this year:

  • self: building self...belief, worth, value, confidence, respect, compassion, trust, care, love
  • spirit: deepening and exploring my spiritual practice and connection to source and intuition
  • biz: creating for the thrill of creating, getting grounded into what i do and how and why, and standing tall from this place

a big theme for me this year is to shift my perspective - to get away from the stress and pressure and expectation i put on myself, having to have it all figured out and mapped out and ticked off... instead embracing curiosity, wonder, and play. 

i long to shift back to how things felt when i first started out in business - when everything seemed possible and i loved learning and exploring and growing and creating and sharing and teaching all for the joy of the journey.

i've got some awesome goals this year! here are a few of them:

  • speak more - create 11 ted style talks on 11 topics and share them with the lighthouse community over the next 11 months - i would also love to speak at another conference this year and would love to speak to as many women as possible about how they shine their light in the world
  • publish and launch the book book - which i started writing last november - with the navigate guide book as a companion plus a new version of the lighthouse oracle as a freebie for readers 
  • teach teach teach - i am a teacher at heart, and though i've never stopped teaching it hasn't been such a big part of my life lately, so i plan to create 11 lighthouse live online workshops for our community over the next 11 months. 
  • read 100 non fiction books
  • massive self love - yoga or beach walks daily + drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables + explore meditation, reiki, EFT, and more + whatever else i get curious about!
  • inspire 5000+ women to join our community and build a lighthouse

what are your goals for 2016? do you choose a word to act as a guiding light for your year?

here is my challenge to you: pop over the the #lighthouserevolution community and share - we are all here to cheer you on! and when you declare your goals, words, vision, or intention out loud it is much more likely to be a success! see you there =)

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