feeling lost?
2012 was the last time i remember feeling the way i have been feeling for most of this year.
like i have lost my mojo, lost my spark, lost my purpose, lost my way.
i remember it because 6 years ago i came across the quote about the lighthouse that would go on to inspire my mission and my message, and my book and oracle deck and more…
“lighthouses don’t go running all over the island looking for boats to save; they just stand their shining.”
reading that quote was an absolute AHA moment for me… in it i found a pathway out of being lost.
for the past 6 months i think i have just been waiting for a new AHA.
do you know that feeling?
when you feel stuck, lost, small, sad, invisible, untethered, uninspired, unignited…
and you are sort of just waiting…
waiting for something to shift. for someone to come along and get you unstuck. for the AHA that will change everything.
i’m done waiting.
because maybe instead of waiting for the AHA to magically appear, it’s time to create it myself.
i don’t know exactly what this entails, i don’t know exactly where the journey will take me.
but i know it’s gotta be better then what i have been doing and how i have been feeling.
enough of this staying lost.
instead it’s time to start seeking.
the song lyric i have had in my head for days is from amazing grace:
“i once was lost, but now i’m found… was blind but now i see.”
that’s how i want to feel.
like i have found myself… like i can see myself, like i can see the light again.
so that’s where i’m starting.
and in the coming months i will share some of the tools i am using to seek.
i’m going to start with tools for self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-determination… tools to look within and remember who you are and remember the light you have.
then we’re going to talk about finding purpose and choosing direction and listing to your inner wise voice and creating whatever is in your heart… and more.
i also have a book - tentatively titled RISE - that has been sitting here not quite finished that i am determined to share by the end of this year... a book all about practical strategies for getting yourself unstuck.
so if you have ever felt these same things i have mentioned here…
…lost, stuck, untethered, unignited…
please just know…
you are not alone.
and perhaps this can be a call to action… to stop waiting for that AHA to magically appear and instead create it for yourself.
sending tiny sparks of light your way…