a lighthouse message for everyone... especially if you don't have a biz

5 years ago i started a “little blog on the side” to share what i was learning about building a biz. starting that little blog was a big step on a pretty amazing journey that has led me to where i am today - encouraging you to build a lighthouse and shine your light - and i am proud to be celebrating my 5th biz birthday!

but today’s post is not about business. this is for everyone who has been inspired by the message of the lighthouse revolution, even if you do not have a business.

yes, i believe that those of us who have felt called to start a business do so because this is the way that we will find and fulfill our purpose… this is how we will shine our light.

but every single one of us has a light to shine.

YOU have something you are here to do.

it does not have to be as an entrepreneur. perhaps it is as a mother, a partner, a friend, an employee, a volunteer, a leader, a worker-bee, a career, a calling, or simply for yourself.

no matter what you are here to do, no matter who you are, the message is the same. this is what i wish for you to remember…

you are on a journey.

you are here to evolve. to learn. to explore. to overcome challenges & obstacles. this, i believe, is why our souls are here in this lifetime. i see our journey as a spiral – with each step we take the next appears, and each step takes us closer to who we are and what we are here to do. and it’s not actually about the destination! it truly is about the journey - you are exactly where you are meant to be, right now.

you get to choose.

if where you are right now feels stuck, or stagnant, or lost, or like you are on a downward spiral, you can make the choice today to take one single step to get unstuck, to find a piece of yourself again, or to elevate your thoughts, feelings, or actions in some way. you can choose, every single day, to take one step closer to your light. but only you can decide, no one can do it for you.

you are here to be you.

you must be you. you can’t hide who you are or live a life for someone else or stay in a stagnant place. your life is a reflection of who you are, and if you can’t BE YOU (or if you don’t know who you are anymore) you will always feel a bit lost or stuck… or worse. you must find ways to express what is in your heart and explore what it means to be you. that’s your job here, that’s your purpose.

you are being called.

what is calling to your soul right now. what is tapping on your shoulder or niggling there in the back of your mind. there is something… we all have something that our soul is longing to do. write, create, talk, express, lead, teach, learn, play, move, try, explore, experiment, build, imagine, dream. take one little step today to honour what is calling you. take one little step today, even if it feels vulnerable or is out of your comfort zone… that is where the magic happens.

you are here to shine your light.

when you shine your light you give others permission to do the same. you touch people with your stories, your journey, your gifts, your ideas, your evolution… your life. you help others & inspire others, just by living an authentic life – your kids, your family, your friends, your co-workers, your organization. when you shine your light it creates ripples that go far beyond yourself.

this journey is different for each of us. yours may be about... 

  • creative expression through writing, art, photography, music, 
  • self-care, self-love, healing, or mindfulness
  • slaying a personal dragon or overcoming an obstacle
  • a cause you are passionate about
  • a quest you are on
  • finding, learning, or teaching a better way
  • the world we are creating for our children
  • helping and serving others
  • simply growing and being a better human
  • or something else i haven't thought of here!

there are no rules. there is no formula. it’s up to you what you do with this one precious life.

your life is a reflection of your soul.

your lighthouse is what you build with your life.

it is the legacy you create and leave behind. it is the way that you live your life's purpose and shine your light. it's what you are here to do.

what will your lighthouse be?

please click here to tweet & help me share this message

ps - i've got a bit of a tradition to hold a biz birthday sale on all of my workbooks. so i have pulled them out of retirement for 5 days only, and you can grab them here for just 5 bucks each. if you don't have a biz i highly recommend the workbook *find your spark* - it is the first seeds of the lighthouse revolution and is inspiring to anyone!

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