isn’t it worth it to try?


when you speak up, when you be visible, when you stand tall and stand out,


people won’t like it

people won’t like you

people will talk about you behind your back

people will criticise you

people will disagree with you

people will hate that you shine bright

people won’t notice you at all

people won’t care what you have to say

people will copy you

people will leave you and move onto something or someone else

and i know that it’s really freaking hard when these things happen.

but what if…

nothing bad happened at all

or what if, even if something bad happened, it was worth it. 

what if…

you made a difference to just one other person

you were noticed by just the right person to help propel your success

you helped someone, greatly

you gained new, avid fans

you made new sales

your message reached the exact person who’s been longing to find someone like you

your message went viral

you reached a tipping point

you had a positive impact

perhaps, if you make an effort to raise your visibility and raise your voice, one or more of these things will happen. 

but for sure, NONE of it will happen if you don’t.

your comfort zone is safe. and it feels good. and it would be really nice to keep coasting (or hiding! or playing small.)

but if you want something awesome to happen, you have to do something awesome.

your voice in this space matters.

there is someone out there who needs to hear what you have to say or see what it is you do.

sure, someone might not like it when you speak up. but let’s not give that person more energy than they deserve. 

instead focus on the person who will absolutely love it… she is just waiting to find out about you.

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