create space

how many things do you have on your to do list right now?

how many balls are you juggling in the air right now?

how many items are going through your mind right now?

most of us would probably answer “too many” but we would also say that it’s just how life is right now. many of us are building businesses at the same time as we are working in other jobs too – as parents, as employees, as caregivers, as partners. 

life is busy, right?

the trouble is, when we have no space at all anywhere in our lives, when we are booked solid from morning to night working on the multiple to do lists running through our minds, that is when we can find ourselves the most stuck.

warning: lack of space may cause stuckness

it can show up in your biz as:

  • lost mojo
  • writers block/creativity blocks
  • lack of clarity/focus
  • procrastination
  • low productivity

the funny thing is that when faced with one or more of those situations we tend to “soldier on” when what we might need the most is to just stop altogether. at least for a little while.

create space.

there are no rules what that needs to look like. 

go for a walk. have a hot bath. jump on the trampoline. listen to music. run. do yoga. meditate. play. colour. doodle. journal. sit. nap. vacation. have wine with a girlfriend. read a trashy novel. 

basically anything that doesn’t feel like an item on your to do list or a ball you are juggling.

that’s space.

think of it as self-care. or having “me time”. or simply taking a break. whatever works to quiet that inner voice that is telling you to soldier on!

space creates flow again. “flow “is the opposite of “stuck”. 

picture the lighthouse in your mind’s eye.

is it placed in the middle of a block of highrise buildings? 

is it surrounded by crazy, thronging crowds?


just pure space. 

what can you do right now to create a little space for yourself?

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