yay! welcome!

thank you for purchasing your copy of the lighthouse revolution book, and for coming on over to grab some extra goodies to help you start building your lighthouse!

i genuinely love hearing from you so please do send an email any time with a question or a comment, or click on the social links below and say hi! i would love to see a photo of you enjoying your book, or a snapshot of your favourite passage!

the lighthouse revolution manifesto is a beautiful, inspiring, printable poster to remind you of what you are here to do... to stand tall, light up, and shine bright. the manifesto is based on the lighthouse revolution book and is a powerful call to action for each of us to BE a lighthouse in this world! print it out and display it somewhere in your space... write on your walls with love!

the lighthouse blueprints are a one page printable sheet which you can use to start building YOUR lighthouse. the blueprints include the prompts for each component of the lighthouse, as outlined in the lighthouse revolution book. print a copy of the blueprints out each time you are working on a new intention for your life... the prompts will remind you what you need to build or focus on, and you can add your own plans into the spaces provided.

listen to this guided visualization any time you need to get back to your light, to get back to your lighthouse, or simply just remember that you do have a light you are meant to shine.

this extensive playlist is sure to inspire you on your journey to shine your light - find songs for every component of your lighthouse! try listening to the playlist on random... see what message the lighthouse has for you!